Keeping Time was commissioned by Radio Art Zone for Esch 2022.
The piece will air from 14:00 CEST on Sunday 10th July until 12:00 noon on Monday 11th July.
Listen live to the full 100 day broadcast on Radio ARA 87.8FM in the South Luxembourg area or listen online to the stream at Radio ARA or Resonance Extra from the 18th June – 25th September, 2022.
Keeping Time is a meditative radio work that focuses on our perception of the passage of time and how time is measured. The piece combines durational recordings of clock workshops around the UK and beyond with a specially constructed ‘radio clock’ painstakingly created from 3,600 individual percussive sounds – 1 for each second of the hour – plus excerpts from interviews with some of the horologists who generously gave up their time for this project.
You can find more details on the piece here.
A radio art project by Radio ARA and Mobile Radio for the European Capital of Culture Esch2022
Imagine a radio station that sounds different every day…
Radio Art Zone is a 100-day radio art station for Esch2022, which will be broadcast in the south of Luxembourg by Radio ARA on 87.8 FM. It will also be live-streamed for a worldwide audience and transmitted by a network of international partners including Resonance Extra.
The Radio Art Zone schedule consists of two daily programmes: newly-commissioned 22-hour radio productions created by more than 100 international and local artists, and 2-hour live shows from kitchens in the community.
Additionally Radio Art Zone offers artist residencies, workshops, youth productions plus interventions in public space, opening up participatory opportunities for residents and visitors to the Capital of Culture region.