The radio work ‘Magneto Mori: Vienna’ (originally commissioned by Kunstradio) will be presented as part of the RadioPhonie Festival in Toulouse, France in June.
Magneto Mori: Vienna is a fragmented sound portrait of the city constructed from found sounds, buried tapes and field recordings. In this de-composition, sounds from Vienna’s past and present are conjoined in a stew of semi-degraded audiotape.
The piece can be heard at 4.30pm on Saturday, 11th June.
The RadioPhonie festival is an event organized by Campus FM and the Center Culturel Bellegarde.
When: 10th-12th June, 2022
Where: Centre Cutlturel Bellegarde, 17, Rue Bellegarde (métro Jeanne d’Arc), Toulouse, France.
Tickets: Free entry
For further details and the full programme see here.