St Columb Major – transmission received
A new piece created in response to ‘Short Waves / Long Distance’ – an open call for works exploring the sonics of the shortwave radio spectrum (2-30 mHz), and the experience of long distance listening. It is one of 15 works selected for inclusion in the Short Waves / Long Distance program in association with the North American Shortwave Association and Wave Farm. The piece will debut during David Goren’s Shortwave Shindig held at the Winter SWLFest on Friday March 3, 2017. This program will also be broadcast live worldwide on shortwave 11pm-1 am EDT/0300-0600 UTC on 6855 khz via WRMI, and on Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM.
‘St Columb Major – transmission received’ is composed entirely from a 20-minute scan through the shortwave band of a 1970’s Grundig Yachtboy 210 radio recorded several years ago in the village of St. Columb Major in Cornwall, England.