The Dividing Line (2014) – an outdoor film screening as part of the It’s All About the River film festival.
Barne Barton, Bull Point Rugby Field
7.00pm, Thursday, 2nd October, 2014.
Free entry
(45 mins)
Commissioned in collaboration with socially engaged art programme Take A Part The Dividing Line is a portrait of a specific riverside community and their complex historical ties with the Navy. Barne Barton is a former MOD housing estate: a community suffering from high deprivation, isolated from the rest of Plymouth and cut off from the river by the naval base and MOD owned shoreline. In The Dividing Line, Glasgow based sound artist, Mark Vernon, uses the voices of those living in the area, archive film and spectacular aerial footage of the Tamar to explore these issues. The film celebrates the people, community spirit, green spaces and naval heritage of a remarkably situated housing estate.
Also screening as part of this event is Launch, by the Amber Collective, featuring classic archive material from the Newcastle docks.
The screening of The Dividing Line will be preceded by a debate exploring the issues raised by the film.
The Dividing Line (2014) – a film by Mark Vernon – is commissioned by the River Tamar Project and Take-A-Part. It was made from archive footage sourced from the South West Film and Television Archive with editing and additional footage shot by James Ellwood of Fotonow.